I can't imagine that if you turned around and applied for the checking account now that it would do any harm. The worst that could happen is that you send them the $100 initial deposit and then write yourself a check for it back and close the account after a while. There are no fees and no minimum balance so what the heck. I don't need another checking account myself, but I figure I'll leave $25 or so in it just in case something ever happens and I want to use it down the road. The Umbrella Air card says it gives you 5,000 bonus points if you do direct deposit to the account. My employer lets us split our direct deposit so maybe I'll put $50 a check or something in it for awhile.
i said i didn't apply yet. my scores are too low (640's) i just passed the good word that kevinw02 told me. no point applying for something i know i won't get.. That CE score is fluff girl. I had a 680 CE and got nothing from nobody but denials.
Did you have any negatives with that 680? I have NOTHING, not one late payment even. It is a perfect report except 6 inquiries now. The reason I keep getting denied is "excessive inquiries" even when I had 3 or 4. That's BS...but oh well, they will want me in a few months.
This just came via email from Umbrella Bank. We are only offering the Classic Visa Card if it is cross-sold to you during the deposit application process. We may offer it direct to credit card only customers in the future, but a date has not been determined. Regarding a minimum score: Yes, we have good credit requirements for the Classic card and very good credit requirements for the umbrellaAIR. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to e-mail us at custservice@umbrellabank.com or call us at 1-866-UMBRELLA.
Now I know that.... I never knew I was on Chex until just now. I have 2 checking and 2 savings accounts. One at a credit union and one at a bank, never had a bounced check since 1996, but I'm on there. I was denied because of Chex, nothing mentioned about Experian at all Bummer....the first post of this thread said they don't check it, but they do. How do I find out why I'm on chex and what for etc?
thanks dave I have never been on chex or I wasn't when I opened this most recent account which was last summer when I was saving for my wedding. That is W E I R D. I hope it's not gonna be as much hell as getting stuff fixed with the CRA. And to think I *might* could have been approved I'm done really, I'm on the inquiry wagon, I got my Target card and I'm happy with the others I have.
It sounds in your case that it is truly inaccurate information on Chex. I was able to dispute away my listing last May and it was accurate.
Dave, When I get my consumer report, can I ask you how to dispute? This just sux a big one. I sue 3 CRA's and get it over with. Suing a CA monday, and now this ....grrrrrrrr
Okay I just applied and got an account, with $500 overdraft protection and a $2000 classic visa. My creditXpert score is 605, whatever that means... Mark
What if you just apply for a card - is it still a soft inquiry... anyone know? Anyone willing to try?? <g> Ozzy.
I'm confused - it says 'instant approval'.... I took that as instant online.. .not instant as in print-out- an-application,-fill-it-out, -find-an-envelope, -stick the-application-in-an-envelope,-find-a-stamp-and- realize-you-don't-have-a-stamp because-you've- been-spoiled-by-paying-bills-online, -then-have-to- go-to-the-post-office-to-buy-a-stamp-and-mail-the- envelope-from-there-instant-approval. Sheesh - such a simple term, such varied meanings! Ozzy.
Well I gave it a shot. Applied for checking, got 1K overdraft protection and 2K classic card with 10.9. My CE score is 708. just curious how they are calculating the credit lines, since it did not request your household income??