Unauthorized cyber charges

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hhh329, Feb 3, 2002.

  1. hhh329

    hhh329 Well-Known Member

    Grrghh! Oh man, this is unbelievable. I have just recently got $84.35 worth of cyber charges that posted this friday. It's on my Orchard Banck MC. I checked my back statements and verified that I've never used this card for internet purchases.

    1/30/02 1/31/02 WPI*IFRIENDS INTERNET 800-243-9726 FL $1.00
    1/30/02 2/1/02 800-561-6114 CYBERNET VEN USA $19.95
    1/30/02 2/1/02 Cybernet *Venture 800-561-6114 CA $19.95
    1/31/02 2/1/02 WPI*IFRIENDS INTERNET 800-243-9726 FL $36.50
    1/31/02 2/1/02 WPI*IFRIENDS VIP 800-243-9726 FL $6.95

    I do recall receiving a weird phone call this week with a recorded message telling me some mumbo jumbo message so I wonder if these are the charges to that call, maybe more but my mother is useless about receiving calls..

    I have just disputed all 5 of these charges and will be calling Orchard Bank (or should I say Household now) first thing in the morning.

    I can't believe this is happening. I wonder if they got my account info while I'm online accessing my account and another window chatting at the same time as these ads appear.

    So what can I do guys? It looks like I have to close the account to prevent further charges, but WHO or What agency can I report them to? I can believe these sc*mbags!

    hth :(
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    It will be handled the same way it is when your card is stolen. They change the card number. No biggie. You know you must dispute unauthorized charges in writing. I would sent a snail mail also.

    This situation is covered by the Fair Credit Billing Act - it gives you rights, and tells you what the card company must do. :)
  3. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    That's what happned to my brother. Someone has been used his GM Card. He has not used the card for 6 months and all the sudden he got the statement. He found out someone has used his card to purchase AT&T pre-paid phone card. He immediately called GM card customer service to report lost/stolen card. All they need him to sign a statement that he hasn't made this purchase. After a week, he got a new card with new number. They asked him to return his old card. He paid nothing.

  4. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

  5. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    yeah i've been cyber hacked by russians before. no biggie, cancel card, get new one, life goes on.

    Good reason to never use an ATM/Debit combo card online ya never know who will get that..
  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I've had this happen too....some guy from Bulgaria. The only charge I had any trouble disputing was one of the domain names things. They finally credited back, but not until they sent me a form to fill out again.

    Question...I've actually had my card stolen twice, and both times it shows up on my CR...the reason...that the account was paid/never late and then shows there was a dispute (the fraudulent charges). Does this hurt my score at all? Will those notations stay on record seven years?
  7. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    When I had to report my card "stolen" - the merchant had notified me that the database had been hacked - I wrote my card company and told them I would appreciate it if they would delete the tradeline rather than continue to report the card "lost or stolen", and They sent me a letter telling me they would. However, only Equifax has done it. Experian is still reporting the "lost/stolen card and the new card, and TU has is reporting the stolen card as active (not stolen), and the new card was deleted. Doh.
  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Truth really is stranger than fiction isn't it?
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Usually the creditor ignores your complaint or it gets swept under the rug.
    Since the issue was never resolved the creditor reports it the CRAs or turns it over to a CA who reports it.
    I know from whence I speak cause three creditors have done this to me .
  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I had a card LOST IN THE MAIL...they put LOST/STOLEN on my cresdit report...

    THEY REFUSED TO PUT "LOST IN THE MAIL"...they said they computor doen't have that "CODE"

    I disputed it EVERY MONTH till they removed it!!!
  11. hhh329

    hhh329 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone.

    Orchard MC acc# closed, new one on its way.

    I don't feel so singled out. And if it's their database that's been hacked, then I guess I still feel confident about accessing my CC accounts online. Looks like it's back to viewing/paying online as usual.

    breeze- Requesting deletion, that's a good idea! Since I've already have 2 tradelines with that notation. Makes me look like I can't hang on to my cards especially when this one's not my fault.

    I can't believe in this day and age people are still using these tactics to try to make money???!..

    I live in Kansas, and well I guess noone has yet mentioned to whom I can file a complaint, guess I'll have to leave that alone.

    hth :(

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