I dv'd a CA and they replied with a print out from the OC (hospital) regarding the remaining balance after insurance paid. Our contract is set up that once the OC receives payment, any remaining balance is charged-off by the OC and never billed to us. Do I respond to the CA or the OC with a HIPAA letter ---- or something else? Thanks!
Are you saying that your insurance plan has no co-pay? This is not a medical privacy issue, but a breach of contract issue. Get your insurance company on the hospital's tail.
I have recently discovered that most CA will print out a statement that would appear to be a past due bill for an acct that they recieve from a hospital or Dr. office Don't buy into it , thats not validation . it should be from the hospital itself with proof of service date, consent for treatment etc. in my case I contacted the hospital directly and discovered my insurance was billed and paid the bill. however the hospital was trying to double dip and claim payment was not recieved.( maybe they forgot to credit my acct) who knows anyway I was able to get proof from my old insurance company that the acct was paid and gave it to the hospital. I also sent a copy of this to the Ca By CMRRR and was explained the error the ca then gave me a deletion letter . hope this helps
I have recently discovered that most CA will print out a statement that would appear to be a past due bill for an acct that they recieve from a hospital or Dr. office Don't buy into it , thats not validation . it should be from the hospital itself with proof of service date, consent for treatment etc. in my case I contacted the hospital directly and discovered my insurance paid the bill. however the hospital was trying to double dip and claim payment was not recieved.( maybe they forgot to credit my acct) who knows anyway I was able to get proof from my old insurance company that the acct was paid and gave it to the hospital. I also sent a copy of this to the Ca By CMRRR and was explained the error the ca then gave me a deletion letter . hope this helps
I do have a $50 co-pay but they are charging me the balance of the visit that wasn't covered by the hospital - much more than that. I will be phoning my insurance tomorrow but that doesn't take care of the CA and the report to my CR.
Well they (CA) did give me a printout from them but they also provided one from the OC. Someone in their billing obviously goofed...at my expense. My concern is that the CA is a nasty litigatious group that goes for the jugular. They THINK they've validated a debt that is non-existant.
Afterthought here.... Maybe I'll call my DH's company (provider for the insurance) because they are a HHHUUUGGGGGEEEE client of the insur. co and will make them correct it ASAP. As soon as that is done, I'll turn my atty on the CA. I was hoping to do this myself and not having to turn to him. Can I combine a HIPAA and ITS in an customized letter?