Uninsurable Housing

Discussion in 'General Lounge' started by tea, Aug 30, 2004.

  1. tea

    tea Well-Known Member


    I am currently leasing an apartment. I attmepted to get insurance on the apartment and the company (Allstate) stated there had been a claim on it. Therefore, they would not insure it. I asked the complex and they acted confused about it. Welllllll, after about 4 or 5 months----it rains. The apartment FLOOOOOODS. Not the entire apartment but it floods. The floooooding comes from the apartment on the backside of my apartment (which is not rentable--totally vacant because it flooooods).

    With all that said what legal standing do I have. When I mentioned the situation to the manager she stated I could move to a different apartment.

    Why should I pay the transfer fees for utilities, pay for moving truck and help, time off work, cleaning the apartment, address changes with different enities, and the ULTIMATE packing and unpacking.

    I know I must have some type of legal ground. I figure it like purchasing a car or a house---it has to be insurable ....Do they have to disclose this information before hand???

    I plan to vent my complaint to the Attorney General, City Manager, Housing Authority, Consgressman, Health Inspections, BBB, headquarters of the management company for my complex, and the Mayor.

    Let me know if I missed anyone to send out the complaint to.

    Sorry So Long,
  2. tea

    tea Well-Known Member

    Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo can someone help????
  3. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    move, bad management will be just that. imagine the mold spores n stuff that could affect your health. what makes you think they take care of their customers.

    I would discuss with them termination of lease due to this issue not being disclosed.

    Totally unacceptable.

    P.S. apartment complex wanted to terminate my lease (!! LISTEN !!) because i worked on my loud exhaust car at all times and it was running rich and spewing black smoke. Neighbors complained. I almost had my lease terminated with NO FEE'S because it was their discretion to terminate.

    This is a big loophole. Take all notes, and be prepared to go to war and move someone nicer for chrissake ;)

    Good management would never let a property get that shoddy.

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