Diva ......question for you. Experian doesn't want to re-investigate unless I provided new evidence. I sent them an "intent to sue", but it looks like it may not get me anywhere. What I did was send them a copy of my social security card and liscense which has a different spelling of the name that is on the judgment. Do you think still might make them re-open the investigation and then delete?
is the judgment yours??? i would first ask them to reply to a procedures letter>>> did they actually verify this judgement and how.. if the judgment is truly yours, the wrong spelling won't make them delete it if they actually did verify it..... they may reopen investigation, only to verify it again. I would be playing hard ball, because judgements are so damaging to your report. EQ actually verified mine ..... and I will get them off during CHOD probably. I would not ever send intent to sue, unless you have violations... if you have violations then I would file and negotiate for deletions.
Oh Diva..by the way...I asked for the procedural and they sent some "canned" answer back about a page long on how they verify info. It was generic, not specific.