uniondiva or anyone help please?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by willracin, Aug 27, 2002.

  1. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    it's 1:30 in the morning where i'm at, so i know it's bedtime with most people. just remember that when you post, by the time the East coast wakes up, your post could be near the bottom or on the next page when most people post (11:30 EST).
    So, anyway, yes, you are correct, you have them on violations, which is your first step in getting them to delete in lieu of a lawsuit for FCRA violations.

  2. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    thanks for the tip and the answer.doyou have time forone more quick question?
  3. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    all ears or is it eyes?
    i do my best
  4. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    i have a CA tradeline which i have paid to the OC (phone bill it never made it to my new address and phone company agreed not to report) CA has pulled 4 hard inq in the last 6months now they are saying they were trying to locate me. I think this is 8 violations of the FDCPA 4 because sect 807.8 and 4 communicating with third parties except to locate me ? what do you think?
  5. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    i will need to check the statute for the first part, but i'm pretty sure they can pull your report in order to locate you as long as you have not already validated.
    plus they can contact any third party to locate you as long as they don't say what the nature of the debt is. let me read it over, hopefully you get a better response in the morning.

  6. willracin

    willracin Well-Known Member

    the lady at EQ said they should have only pulled what is called a D-Tec which gives them address full name and phone if available she said she thought thats what most CAs do. It seems to me 4 times is alot in 6 months especially since i called them and told them that i had a payment arragment with OC.

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