Unpaid CO listed by Asset Past SOL HELP?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by orbithappy, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. orbithappy

    orbithappy New Member

    Hello all! You are an amazing group of people!
    I have an unpaid cc co being listed by Asset Acceptance on both Equ and Exp (but not TU). THE OC is Providian. Here are the stats:
    EQU: CONDITION-derog, BALANCE- $1938,TYPE-unknown-credit extension,review,or collection, PAY STATUS-collection/charge off, PAST DUE-$1938,HIGH BALANCE-$1179, TERMS-1 months, OPENED 12/2001, REPORTED 7/3/06

    EXP: CONDITION-open, OPENED-12/2001, REPORTED-5/2004

    I dont know the best way to handle this. I have half-hinied cleaning up my credit for several years. I know at some point this oc was deleted from my reports and I believe I have contacted Asset in the past to validate this account...but it has been long enough that I dont recall what has actually happened with this account. I see lots of posts on Asset in this forum, and not sure the best way to fight them on this. It seems to me that the SOL has passed on this account (3 years in AZ) so I dont know what my best course of action is. If the OC at one time could not validate this account, how can they sell it off to a CA? Please tell me what steps I should take.

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