Even though your credit may be bad, there are still banks and financial institutions that will approve you for a credit card. Depending on your credit rating, the credit card company will determine your total line of credit and the interest rate you will pay. Here are a list of credit card companies that issue credit to people with bad credit. Source: http://www.bad-credit-credit-card-for-people-with-bad-credit.info/ Aspire Visa Card â?¢ 30 second online response â?¢ Rebuild your credit â?¢ No security deposit required â?¢ Accepted at more then 29 million locations â?¢ Account access & online payment New Millennium Bank Platinum Master Card â?¢ Guaranteed issue â?¢ Complimentary online services for account management and payments â?¢ Be approved regardless of income or credit history â?¢ Reports to the three major credit bureaus to rebuild your credit â?¢ Up to $10,000 secured credit limit First Premier Bank Gold Master Card â?¢ Low APR on purchases â?¢ Reports monthly to 4 major credit bureaus â?¢ A credit card for those with less than perfect credit â?¢ Quality customer service â?¢ Accepted where you see the Master Card or Visa logo â?¢ Enjoy the benefit of 24-hour phone account access Centennial Master Card â?¢ Low APR on purchases â?¢ Reports monthly to 4 major credit bureaus â?¢ A credit card for those with less than perfect credit â?¢ Quality customer service â?¢ Accepted where you see the Master Card or Visa logo â?¢ Enjoy the benefit of 24-hour phone account access Orchard Bank Master Card â?¢ A good credit card for people who are looking to re-establish their credit and would like the convenience of a Master Card â?¢ Periodic credit limit increase reviews â?¢ Reports to all 3 credit bureaus each month, which can help improve your credit score â?¢ Fraud, dispute and unauthorized use protection â?¢ Free online account management and payment USA Platinum â?¢ Get a $7500 Platinum Credit Line regardless of credit history â?¢ You have been selected to receive a $7500 Platinum Shopping Card from USA Platinum â?¢ Your approval is *guaranteed regardless of your credit history USA Gold Credit Card â?¢ Get a $5000 Gold Credit Line regardless of credit history â?¢ You have been selected to receive a $5000 Gold Shopping Card from USA Gold â?¢ Your approval is *guaranteed regardless of your credit history Source: http://www.bad-credit-credit-card-for-people-with-bad-credit.info/badcreditcard.html