up, up & up..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by roni, Feb 19, 2001.

  1. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    qspace gave me a 661(yeah). That is up from the 653 they gave me a month ago.

    Of course my public record is not on my equifax, only on transunion.

    I really like qspace.

  2. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    QSpace only uses your Equifax report? What other features does it provide, other than a score and a copy of your report?

  3. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    It gives you an analysis of your credit score.
  4. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    The score they give you is not your real score... it's their approximation of your score. But it might help you.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    F.I.C.O. invented their SCORE, you are
    ASSUMING that it is MORE correct???

    QSPACE invented their SCORE also...

  6. numnuts20

    numnuts20 Well-Known Member

    F.I.C.O is the leader in over 75% of mortage loan decisions making it the most likely to go by as "correct"..........................TRW/FICO Model: This scoring system developed by TRW in association with Fair, Isaac, and Company, Inc. The score enables credit grantor to identify credit prospect with the best credit opportunities and avoid losses due to charge-offs, repossessions, collections, and bankruptcies.

    Beacon: This scoring system developed by Equifax in association with Fair, Isaac, and Company, Inc. Beacon helps identifies and projects the full range of serious consumer credit risks which include bankruptcies, charge-offs, repossessions, loan defaults, and serious delinquencies.

    Empirica: This scoring system developed by Trans Unionin association with Fair, Isaac, and Company, Inc. Empirica has been fully validated to predict the performance odds, slow pays, no pays, and bankruptcies with unprecedented accuracy.
    ................................all use Fair, Isaac and Company, Inc. models/had to put in my cents

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    JUST MY OPINION...F.I.C.O. does not give enough weight, if any to payment history...
  8. numnuts20

    numnuts20 Well-Known Member

    yeah I couldn't resist checking my "credit score"at ..www.truecredit.com.. $3.95 and they do not use FICO +$7.95 credit report from Experian...please to report score=80 on a scale of 0-100!...I hate when credit card/banks act like they are doing peoples favors by extending credit,low rates,no fees etc.when in fact we are doing them the favor(I suspect even when a certain number default)to peoples who will never be able to buy enough stuff they did not need in the first place!

    GEORGE wrote:
    JUST MY OPINION...F.I.C.O. does not give enough weight, if any to payment history...
  9. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I am aware that it is not the real score. Thanks anyway Marie. I was just saying that I like their score. Plus it is very close to the score I received in January.

  10. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I wish I had never posted this. I just meant that I like the FACT THAT THE SCORE IS HIGHER. Even if it is not accurate it feels good with all the work I have done to improve my scores. I know Momof3, MP$40, Dave, Sam, Chet, DorisK, Donna, Richguy, (sorry for whomever, i am forgeting)would understand that I was just trying to be cute with the post. OH well.

  11. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    RE: up, up & up.. I do

    Hey I hear you girl, mine was 645 whether accurate or not, it feels a whole lot better than when it said it was 550!! So according to that I am doing better, I would only hope that my true scores are improving as well:)

  12. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    thank u.

  13. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: up, up & up.. I do &am

    whenever, I get air in balloon, someone already has the pin out to 'pop it. LOL.

  14. Chet

    Chet Well-Known Member

    cute :)

    For those of us rebuilding and repairing our credit, every little improvement is a reason to celebrate!

    When I was approved online by Nextcard a few weeks ago, I did a "funky" dance while blurting out "I get knocked down, but I get up again" (Chubbawumba) in my computer room.

    Luckily the neighbors weren't watching :)

    roni, is Qspace a soft inquiry?

  15. Donna

    Donna Well-Known Member

    SURE DO!


    Sure do get it!

    When you've worked as long...and as hard...on your credit as you have, seeing the results validated feels great!

    Congrats on the improved Qspace score! I'm waiting to see my number go up but that hasn't happened yet.

  16. dave

    dave Well-Known Member

    not roni

    yes, it is a soft inquiry
  17. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Way to go Roni. I know exactly how you feel. After I refinanced my car and it showed as a paid loan, my scores went up slightly and I was thrilled. By the way, have you ever tried www.freecreditanalyzer.com? They gave me a 694 which is way too high but I like it.
  18. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    RE: up, up & up.. I do &am

    I would be happy if I saw my score go up on Worth Knowing! At least QSpace is a little more accurate! : )
    And besides, QSpace uses a scoring model that uses your info on your report. Who cares if it isn't really a FICO score, it uses a similar model that doesn't change. If your score goes up there, then you are doing better!

  19. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Now, that analyzer I dont trust. I doesnot include enough factors. But, it is ok for general purposes and that is all i had before 123 credit reports or qspace. I liked it back then.

  20. RichGuy

    RichGuy Guest

    RE: up, up & up


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