Update from Stacy

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by StacyK, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. StacyK

    StacyK Member

    Well last time I posted I had applied for a car loan with credit union and been turned down. It actually was a good thing. I returned to work on Monday, after two weeks on vacation and was let go. I got a pretty good severance package but it sure is going to go a lot further without a big car payment.

    I had also applied for a home equity loan from my mortgage company and was turned down there as well.

    Back when I was turned down for the car loan I disputed black marks with all credit reporting adgencies and OCs. I got one delete and some favorable updates. A couple still won't budge. Anyway, all three scores are in the 700s now. Even got a 750 one. They all fall off anyway in less than two years but I have been looking for work and its that much less to explain if they pull my credit.

    So hopefully, when I get back to work maybe I'll have a little better luck getting a newer car. I had to put a couple of thousand into mine so hopefully it will last another year without anything else major.

    Thanks to all who have helped to guide me through the art or credit over the past six years!!!!!

    Stacy K
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Sorry to hear about the loss of your job, and we wish you the best of luck in finding a new one soon!

    Great to hear that you have been able to improve your credit scores into the 700's though. Excellent work!
  3. sawa0018

    sawa0018 Active Member

    A little silver lining at least.

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