Applied for AT&T Universal card. They told me my account is in review. They are looking at my 2 other accounts. The Gold and Silver that I have. They said they were at the end of the review and should know soon. I wonder if this is a good sign. If you had something similar happen let me know what the decision was and on what card. thanks
I know people on this board have a million citi cards. I would like someone to respond to my question. Sure does make you feel better. thanks
i've had them do manual review (second hard inquiry) about 5 or 6 times, and always got the card. except the last time, in which my credit limit was the maximum allowable (for my income). So as long as you fit the rules and parameters, and you pay your other cards more than the min. you should have no problems.
bgolden, It is definitely a better sign than an instant denial. No one can tell you that it is an approval, though. If they are looking at your other two accounts - barring any poor payment history - they are really going to focus on your Citi (and other CC) credit limits, total available credit and reported income. If you have a lot of huge credit lines from them and others - they may deny you based on that alone. Citi is very finicky about that. Now - if you are denied for maximum credit allowed -and you want this account for something other than the credit line (i.e. a BT offer not available on your other cards) then you can call the credit dept (1-301-733-5501), and ask a supervisor to allocate some of the credit line from one of the old cards to the new card for new card approval. Then close the old cards and merge them into the new card to restore your original credit lines and get the benefits associated with the new card. If you want to just increase your credit limit - you may be at your Citi ceiling until you can increase your income.
I was given the same response, and I thought for sure I was denied (TU score 580), I got denied due to income, so I called for recon and included hubbys income and got approved. I had done BDD and had only received a response on the Gold card not the Silver, so I thought cause I waited 5 days between apps, that I was automatically denied, but a few weeks later I received the Silver. Total lines $8500, but because I had already activated the Gold I couldn't upgrade to Platinum.
thanks for responding everyone. I have paid more than the minimum on my other 2 accounts. My concern is they are 3 months old, but we have a great income, so I am hoping that helps. I have never been late on my credit since I re-established 2 years ago, and i have no negatives.
My goal is to use it to consolidate or bt the rest of the accounts we have already closed. So then I will have the 3 accounts I am paying on instead of a lot of little ones. I am trying to get my scores up because citi is the easiest for me to get. MBNA, Chase, Fleet, First USA, etc wont even look at me. That's my story, keep your fingers crossed. thanks