Well I received a letter from the therapist regarding them sending my $1000, they declined stating....<this is a clincher, they have 1) stupid lawyers or 2) idjits for owners> "After sending out 2 statements with no response for you it was necessary to run a credit bureau report to begin liability proceedings through the court system." Bwahaha they should have sent the check with that letter.
the thing is I never received any letters from them either so I might get them for not telling me my rights, how would I know to validate it either? I mean geesh. I even paid the bill.
Kiyi...you can nail them but good! Get your thousand dollars as statutory damages, but see if you can get punitive as well. Any chance any of your declines state "too many inquiries"? If so, you may have actual damages also...that's stretching, but hey...lol. Or maybe that is one of the reasons listed for your score? Man...I wish that would happen to me...lol. L
Yeah inquiries is one. Oh this is only one of the pending suits, I have two others that are going on that are a tad more complicated.
Ok I just sent in my 2nd and last letter to them via fax then sending The hardcopy to them CRRR to pay up on or before Wednesday or else. Along with it I sent a copy of the Greenblatt letter and a copy of the FCRA just to rub it in alot, deep, burning....bwhahaa I still laughing at the stupidity.