The "not enough retail" code is (politely) baloney. I get that one and I have 2 open retail cards (closed all the rest awhile ago. Why keep them open when I don't get miles?? I hadn't started reading this board yet, so I didn't realize how much the longevity helped) HOWEVER-- My friend with the high TU score (860+) has ONE retail card and doesn't get the retail message. He only gets 2 messages (Don't the CRA say it is Law you have to get 4 ? One of which is too many active accounts/ the other average balances Go figure
Just wait till you get the DENIAL reasons... "Not enough recent inquires" "Amount of debt per card too low" "Time since most recent account opened too long" ... ... ...
WOW! What state are you in? Anything over 600 is excellent credit. I want to apply for my mortgage at your bank!!
I live in PA. I think the difference is that the bank in our town is not owned by a larger bank. They are privately owned and have about 5 branches, they actually care about thier customers. I don't know of any other bank where the tellers know your checking account number by heart, send hand signed christmas cards and phone you if they hear you or a loved one is ill to see if they can do something to help. They don't sell mortgages on the secondary market and therefore are much less strict on regulations. I can't imagine banking anywhere else. Our daughter applied for a mortgage last week, and she closes next week. Hows that for fast?
As a matter of fact, I did have a big change. I had a really old pd chgoff from a long out of business company, show up on my TU. My score dropped about 200pts. I disputed it about 30 days ago and expect it to go away, but I bet my score doesn't go back up as much as it came down. I'll check when I get home and update...
Re: link to powerpoint this has the powerpoint presentation and the whole transcript of the forum