updated CR..Now what

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by star, Nov 24, 2001.

  1. star

    star Well-Known Member

    last month I sent 6 disputes to the Big 3, Friday was the 30 day limit for creditors to respond-for experian only 1 (My 13) had a response. On the phone exp told me they will now delete the rest. My ? is..when those companys go to update wont it go back on there?
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Yes, they can put it back on if there was no response from the creditor within the 30 days. Then you would have to do it over.

    Perhaps some of them are not updating - wait and see.
  3. roni

    roni Well-Known Member


    They can only legally put the information back in the file IF the creditor certifys the tradeline AND the CRA notifys you within 5 business days.

    You need to hang on to the update report and the letter that comes with it. If you ever have a problem with the tradeline reappearing, you will need it as evidence that the account was previously investigated!

    Congrats! Now go back and do it again for the account(s) that verified. It can take 3-4 tries for some people.

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