UPDATED:Ultimate Creditor/CRA List

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jshimmer, Oct 31, 2001.

  1. jshimmer

    jshimmer Well-Known Member

    Millennium Credit Building Strategies - Home of the Ultimate Creditor/CRA List !!

    Per the suggestion of a visitor, I have added a new feature to the Ultimate Creditor/CRA List located at www.millcbs.com

    Now, with only a couple of clicks, you can easily locate creditors who have pulled inquiries from ONLY one of the three CRA's. This includes the QUANTITY of inquiries as well.

    If one of your credit reports is better than the others, you'll be able to see which creditors you should apply to for the best success.

    And don't forget -- if you've had inquiries pulled lately, please add them to our website! It's easy -- just visit the site.

    And it's all FREE !!

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