Urgent Help Needed

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Lacey, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. Lacey

    Lacey Well-Known Member

    I need advise quick from those in the know, please -have a an acct of hubbys - cross ctry bank - charge off - we have been negotiating - have a written offer for settlement within a certain time frame - we made a counter offer - several days later recd a collection agency letter for full amt - sent copy of letter back wtih letter asking what this was about - today rec'd a letter from attny for an even larger amt with ccb as client - are they not bound by their written offer? what should I do - my first instinct is to dispute the debt with the attny and send him a copy of the offer to settle letter - this is also very close to SOL - could this be why they are doing this - as a back up in case we dont take their offer? Help - really need some insight - am freaking out-
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

  3. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    From a legal standpoint, your counteroffer was a rejection of their offer. In effect, the last offer on the table is the one you made them. So, no, the CA is not bound by the offer you got from the bank.

    What is going on is that they are now playing hardball. They are saying that their first offer was their last offer and they will not negotiate further.

    Having said that, I am not sure what you should do now. I know that creditors will sometimes take the debt back from the CA and resolve it with you but I do not know if this bank will.

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