Urgent Help Needed

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Lacey, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. Lacey

    Lacey Well-Known Member

    I need advise quick from those in the know, please -have a an acct of hubbys - cross ctry bank - charge off - we have been negotiating - have a written offer for settlement within a certain time frame - we made a counter offer - several days later recd a collection agency letter for full amt - sent copy of letter back wtih letter asking what this was about - today rec'd a letter from attny for an even larger amt with ccb as client - are they not bound by their written offer? what should I do - my first instinct is to dispute the debt with the attny and send him a copy of the offer to settle letter - this is also very close to SOL - could this be why they are doing this - as a back up in case we dont take their offer? Help - really need some insight - am freaking out-
  2. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    Your counteroffer made their offer void.

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