Urgent Question!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by John Galt, Feb 20, 2002.

  1. John Galt

    John Galt Active Member

    The oddest thing happened on my credit report and I don't know what to make of it or what I should make of it or if I can use it to my advantage in order to build up my score and improve my debt ratios.

    On one of my credit reports my student loan debt is listed as zero. Previously, the total was listed wrong so I disputed it. It is now listed as closed and zero.

    Would any of the friend here tell me what this means in terms of a)my credit score b) do I have to pay these loans off with the US government even though the credit report say zero c) since the loans still show active on the 2 remaining cra's, would there be a method of using my TU to dispute the 2 other cra's, even though I may/will get billed for my student loans?

    I sure would like to remove the debt from my cra's and pay the loans off "privately."

    Any help or threads on this subject and personal opinions welcome and thanks!!
  2. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    Of course you have to pay off your loans, you owe them correct??

    Also even the TU shows them with a zero balance, you can't use this report to have the other 2 remove them, each agency reports their own info, they don't care what the other reports say.
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I would fax over the results to the other 2 bureaus. As for not paying it, you're just opening up a can of worms you won't want to mess with.
    It's strange that that happened, I got an updated Equifax today:
    Honda had re-inserted my late pay and also ADDED another late pay, well the reults were BOTH late pays were removed AND it now says $0 balance.
    I bought the car in 8/00 I borrowed $21K, I STILL OWE $16K, but this helped my score tremendously. Honda only updates on my CR's when there is a late pay, or I request an investigation. The thought of not paying this ran thru my mind, but I just turned around and faxed a cop of the EQU report to EXP (TU isn't even reporting it).
  4. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    I hope john galt is not your real name...... we are being watched..
  5. me

    me Well-Known Member

    I believe student loans are beneficial (if you are current of course). They don't effect your score all that much from what I understand, but they do show a long history of payment if you stay current.
  6. John Galt

    John Galt Active Member

    Me - they are beneficial. I consolidated some of them and others did not. So if some show a zero balance that would help my score some, I hope.

    KHM - thanks for the info. I appreciate your wisdom.

    Leo, yes, I am watching. I know what you did! Don't be ashamed, it happens to the best of us :)
  7. Cricket

    Cricket Active Member

    Who is John Galt?
  8. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    OK CRICKET !! Someone else here reads !!
    By the way "John" your dispute just took it off while they verify,it will reappear.
  9. John Galt

    John Galt Active Member

    Why Chat it's been over 2 months since dispute was opened. Of course, anything is possible.

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