Re: Urgent! Sherman Acquisitions At Disclaimers didn't help when the Texas Attorney General tried to go after them for practicing law without a Texas bar number. Texas didn't have much luck getting them convicted but it wasn't disclaimers that won the day for them. Texas has extradited and tried more than one who had disclaimers and it didn't help them any either. And Texas isn't the only state that has done it either.
Re: Urgent! Sherman Acquisitions At Seattle BK court says there is nothing they can do, there are no forms to fill out, so how am I suppose to get these guys on contempt??
Re: Urgent! Sherman Acquisitions At Why THE HECK ARE THEY DOING ALL THIS SINCE IT'S ILLEGAL? notasaint ==================== For the money.
Re: Urgent! Sherman Acquisitions At I know very little about bankruptcy so I'm not going to be a lot of help. When I reach a dead end I get going with researching what the law says and what the courts have ruled. Its the only way.
Re: Re: Urgent! Sherman Acquisitions At I just sent Sherman a letter at the beginning of the month regarding violations of 524(a)(2), 605(c)(1) and 807(8). I will email it to your if you change your forum preferences or send me an email requesting it.