My husband has a USAA credit card that he just added me to. My income is more than double that of his, when should I ask for an credit line increase. Will they pull credit? I am worried as he has a $2500 credit line on $744 a month income and with my income it'll be $3244 a month. Will that flag us for a hard inquiry?
I use usaa. I am hoping to have a usaa card this summer, after a few inqs drop and after my collections are updated/deleted. The lady was very nice when I asked what the qualifications for the card are. They do not pull a hard inq for a cl increase. They use equifax. Because you are married, they can use household income, not just his. She said the guidelines are a little tougher right now because of the economic situation...but all banks were tightening their belts. I am not sure about cl increase, but I know the quals are: 1) No collections totalling more than $200, 2) no medical over $500, 3) all charge accounts must be r1 (old lates should be okay), 4) they hand review apps, so as long as score is above 630, it is not atuomatic denial. I posted the quals for anyone who is eligible for USAA and was interested in applying for a card.
We have an auto refi we are working on through them. Interest rate is 6.5%. I love this company and even if our refi falls through, I will recommend them to others. Still hoping for that cc, lol.
They've always been great to us too. I was turned down from them last year and have been working on clearing my credit report. The only thing left is the darn student loan late pays that should be gone soon. So I guess as soon as those are gone I can start applying for a credit card with them. I sent in a request for information on qualifying for an auto loan so I'll post that when I get a response.
We have used them for our car insurance for 4 years now. We applied for a car loan w/ them 2 years ago, but of course I hadn't even looked at the credit reports until last year. Anyway, we are looking to buy a new vehicle this summer and would like to try them again, but I'm worried b/c ocassionally my insurance due date falls on the 12th but I'll get paid on the 14th and I usually pay it then. Is that enough for them to deny?? Sorry if this is a silly question, just something I am pondering!! Don't want to apply/get an inquiry if that is enough to disqualify us. Thanks btw congrats on the card!! TU Fico 680 Exp 657 Eq 637
I have a question for those who have a CC with them - How long did it take for them to make a decision? I'm used to all these subprime crooks who give it to you on the spot!
Well... You can call USAA within about 4 days of applying. Also, you can request a manual review of your app. Aometimes it works to explain things like inqs. They should be able to tell you something by then. Just call their 800#. On another note, they do not look at insurance payment hisotry when considering a credit decision. I have been with them for 12 years for auto ins. Just got approved for auto terms are a little easier than the credit card terms I posted above, since it is a secured loan. They like to see all collections paid, though.
Yippeee (dancin a jig) Our loan has been approved through usaa!!! We get our docs thursday!!!!!!! Went from 23% interest on auto to 6.5%!! Wow, our first prime loan. Happy happy joy joy! Couldnt have done it without y'all! Thanks a mill...
Congrats on the refi and thanks for the heads up on them. I have heard they were good and really wanted to try them again after I am done w/ the cleaning up!!
Thanks! I am soooo stoked! It has been so difficult and it sucks that subprime co's can bend us over like they do. How is your cleanup coming? I have a couple more things to go. There are 2 that will drop this year. Can't wait.
Wow thanks for asking! Right now I am just kicking myself for waiting so long to start this cleaning up process. Like I said, we applied w/ USAA almost 2 years ago, got the denial and just ran and hid w/ our tails between our legs. I *think* I am getting somewhere on TU I went from a 605 Fico 12/14/2002 (9 negs, 8 pos) to 680 Fico yesterday (3 negs, 6 pos - 2 negs in dispute were due yesterday) On Experian I have gone from a 550 2/18/2002 (12 negs, 4 pos) to 648 12/11/2002 (3 negs, 8 pos - 2 negs in dispute due 2/28) And I just started on Equifax. Fico was 637 (2/14/2003) disputed 4 negs (due 3/14) and was down to 631 yesterday!! Oh well. With Eq, I have one public record, 2 collections and 2 cc's w/ late pays years ago, and 1 CO and 1 incl. in bk. and 5 pos (Basically this one is a mess!) Thanks for asking and honestly congrats, it must be an awesome feeling. I really can't wait for the day where applying doesn't make me a nervous wreck!!
Thants great kelcol... I knwo what you mean about having your tail tucked. I filed bk nearly 10 years ago, and had a bunch of crap happen since. I looked at my reports for the first time in May of last year when we bought a house. Average score was about 550. Was too ashamed and overwhelmed to look at them again (still got the house, though) until last Oct. Just started disputing. TU: Had: 23 derogs, 1 pub record Have: 2 deorgs (1 is in serious dispute) EQ: Had: 24 derogs, 1 public record Have: 3 derogs (2 will drop this year), 1 public record (drops soon) Started cleanup 5 months ago. You can do it!! Keep up the hard work. Waiting a little longer to apply for usaa card. The refi was a total blessing!
Wow!!!! Congrats on the great prime loan!!!! I am so thrilled to you. I also got denied from them before and its taken me a while to fix my credit. I am hoping to get an auto loan with them in August/September.
Thanks jhoyt. They were awesome to work with. The only stip was to show that the collection accounts were paid. No prob...It was equal to amount one of my high interest pmnts would have been (still had car payment set aside, of course). Instead of making car payment (which usaa was paying off anyways) just used funds to pay collections. So, it was like nothing out of pocket. The money I save on interest every month was well worth paying these 3 accounts. All the CA's settled for way less since they were so old. Good luck to you. They were great to work with.
Really are they that good? I just have late pays on the student loan. Looks like I may get my car sooner!!! : ) Thanks for the great news!!!!
They pulled experian on me almost 2 years ago, wonder if they changed or if it is just where I am located? I'd have more of a chance if it was experian cuz my equifax isn't pretty at all, and everything I am hearing about them, I am guessing it will just get uglier! Thanks for your success story. It seems more possible for me now knowing how quickly you were able to turn your reports around!!
They are sticklers, but if you are sincere about giving them what theyneed, they will work with you. Is your student loan the only baddie? Is it current? How old was your last laste pay? Any collections? Sorry, being nosy, but just trying to help. I had2 late pays 2 years ago. They like to see a solid 2 year history of payments and all collections, if any, paid. We did evrything right over the hone. Faxed them statements re: collections. They are fed-exing docs to sign. They were wonderful.