USAA Credit Card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jhoyt, Feb 18, 2003.

  1. jhoyt

    jhoyt Active Member

    Student loan-never defaulted 13 late pays. I have them for 26 false negatives placed on my report so I sent a "Intent to sue letter". They claim to have corrected but its not on the report yet. But yes thats the only baddie. Last late pay in 9/01. I am thinking with all the proof I have including voice mails saying they never correct credit reports the negatives that were justly placed will also be deleted. I have only 8 more days to find out whether I need to sue. Don't know my fico but it probably won't be high as I have 5 student loans reporting and besides the JU card, one credit card sub prime with $300 credit limit. My students loans are 4848.52 so I don't think I qualify for consolidation as I don't owe enough.

    J. Hoyt
  2. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member

    Good grief! I hope everyhitng works out. Shame that we dont have more control over stuff that has to do with us, isnt it? Good luck.
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: USAA Credit Card

    Do you know who USAA pulls and what scores they need for an auto refi? Charlie
  4. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: USAA Credit Card

    Since they do a manual review, they dont go by score. They just have certain criteria...all collections must be paid, solid 2 years of no lates, (not sure about charge offs, but I had a couple of lates 2 years ago). Our scores were 663 and 620ish.

    They pulled eq.
  5. kelcol

    kelcol Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: USAA Credit Card

    For a car loan *attempt* almost 2 years ago, the pulled experian for me...not sure if it is because of my location...or if they changed...
  6. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: USAA Credit Card

    it may have something to do with your location on what they pull. Im in TX and so are they.

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