I cannot believe it, to get my power turned on the power company pulls your credit report to figure out how much your deposit is going to be!! It can range from 0.00 to 200.00. I cannot believe it shows up as a hard..that is ridiculous!! What do you all think?
It meets the requirements for permissible purpose. They are extending "credit" until you pay for it. Did you have to pay a deposit? I've usually just referred utilities to my prior utility account, and they have generally required no deposit and done no credit check.
I just switched phone companies and they pulled a hard too..........inquiries, IMO, should NOT effect our scores the way they do......infact, they shouldn't effect them at all....I think it's ridiculous!!
yes..paid a deposit. Not the full amt though, I wasnt even given the option to opt out. Had I known it was going to be a hard pull i would've. I understand the point of hard pulls making your score go down because of excessive requests for credit cards. I feel that that situations states something about a persons financial situation.......but it's not like i would be requesting elec. service from numerous corporations all over the place. A person doesnt necc. need credit, but they do need electricity!(most people anyway). I dont feel that my score should be punished just because i need a utility turned on. Whether or not I had good credit or not..if a person wants light or heat...youre gonna lose some points regardless. Doesnt seem right to me...why cant they pull a soft??