Utilization and its affect on score

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mongrol, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. Mongrol

    Mongrol Well-Known Member

    I am the perfect example of what happens when you go from abou 5% utilization to about 75%

    My score has dropped on experian from 660 to 557... over 100 points!!! What I don't understand is why it didn't affect the other bureau's as strongly...

    any ideas?

    My revolving credit is around 12k and my debt is around 8k or 9k

    I will be paying off a couple grand in the next couple weeks to see how this changes things when I drop below 50%... will give an update when they report...

    I personally didn't think that I would have a 100 point drop in my fico score by playing around...

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