Hi Gang, I have a question about vacating a judgement. We were never served papers for this. First, We were living in MO the judgement is in NJ Second, We are now living in CA How do I go about vacating in CA NJ is sending me a copy of the file. Thanks for your help. Bobbi
Thank you for responding. I thought no one loved me. Do you think that I have to apply to have the venue changed or just go ahead with vacating in my state? Bobbi
I do not know the answer but I would do a Google search on California Vacating Judgment Procedures or something like that. Sometimes I get lucky and find what I'm looking for. Hope it works for you Tuit
Thanks, that was my next move. I was just hoping for someone with real words instead of legal jargun to tell me what to do. Bobbi
also search here. Some time ago I posted a link for an example to use in getting a judgment vacated. It should offr you some help.
Did you try a simple cra dispute... that may work depending on how old it is. I had an uppaid jdugement removed that way.