Requested and got validation of the following creditors. One even added additional late payments to history.... GEMB/Gateway*******PD/closed 2/2006 Wells Fargo Finance***PD/closed 7/2007 GEMB/Lowes********PD/closed 2/2006 Ford Credit*********PD/closed 9/2006 HSBC Bank*********PD/closed 12/2007 I didn't have great expectations for the HSBC since it is still so "raw". I have mailed goodwill letters (my own twist on the ol' reliable posted here) and will wait to hear back. Some accounts are very bad but a couple only have like 2 30-day lates more than 3-4 years old with more than 12 months on-time pays following until paid in full. The HSBC is awful and I paid it in full before finding this site so, needless to say, I screwed myself on that one royaly! Still sent Goodwill. What the heck, I was only out a stamp!
Sorry for your bad luck, but creditors don't have to validate. I can promise you that Ford is totally unforgiving . Time does heal all wounds though!
I was expecting some of it. I just thought I would post my personal results. I also received a negative from a goodwill letter today. Maybe I should have waited for better planet alignment before starting all of this! lol
Okay, apologies for any confusion. Validation was with CRA (Credit Reporting Agency - still learning acronyms.) I think that the fact that some of these slow pays are not quite a year old yet, I am getting very little forgiveness. I have only heard back from one of my Goodwill letters and it was sent to a fax number. The constomer support would NOT give me any information on how to contact anyone but the thema nd they said that they were not authorized to make any changes to the payment history reported. I finally got someone that gave me an address (4 phone calls later.) I did mail a letter after the fax. Here's one for the record books - I printed 4 goodwill letters at one time in an office I have access to. I pulled the HSBC letter out of the printer, flipped it, laid it on top of the fax cover (already in the fax) and hit send button. I started proofing the other 3 letters and then picked up the freshly faxed HSBC letter and proofed it - HORROR!!!!!! The last paragraph said "Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of American Express." AMERICAN EXPRESS! What the heck good is proof reading AFTER the fact!!!!!!!! GOOBER!!!! I mailed the corrected letter later that day after dragging a mailing address out of a terrified CSR! lol I received a denial of "goodwill" today from the faxed letter - I can't imagine why! (sarcasm)