Validation and Pay for Deletion Q?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Texas4x4, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. Texas4x4

    Texas4x4 Active Member

    2004=BAD Financial position
    2005=Ready to make progress

    Thank You for your experience and input. This credit reporting system is an embarrassment to the intelligence of this great nation. When you try and describe it to someone who hasn't learned from your experience on creditnet, you just have to laugh and wonder how our elected officials could allow such a fiasco in the private sector.

    I had three Cap One Cards with limits of
    A- $6500--Charge off 2004
    B- $2500--Legally paid for less 2004
    C- $1500--Current no lates

    A. $6500 card was Charged off in 2004 and currently shows a balance of $12223 (lol). Arrow Collections recently has been calling daily and I sent them a Validation\Cease and decist.
    If they cannot validate do I then need to request Validation directly with Cap One before I report to CRA? Or will the lack of validation from CC be sufficient to have the Cap One entries removed? If I negotiate a pay for deletion with Arrow, can they remove the Cap One entries? Should I go directly back to Cap One for negotiations?

    B. $2500 card was paid for less amount of $2000 and thanks to the board i know that a paid collection is (lol) the same as a collection. Any thoughts on negotiating the remaining $500 for a pay for deletion.

    C. The first card CRA balance of $12223 has my revolving balance artificially jacked up. Is this as the CRA are supposed to report?

  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    1. no - you need to dispute with the CRA BEFORE the ca/oc has a chance to respond.

    2. crap 1 don't care. you and i will NEVER get the bad notation off before the 7 years, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean i won't be trying every 30 days and imploying every tactic in the CN database ;)

    3. do you know what the balance should be?

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