validation for returned check

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by timmyq, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. timmyq

    timmyq Well-Known Member

    There is a collection agency on my credit report claiming I owe them 250 dollars for a returned check originating from Papa Johns Pizza. I want to request validation of this and I'm wondering if the CA needs to reproduce the original check or a photocopy would suffice.?

    Should I write them and tell them that unless they can produce the original check they do not have proper validation? Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. timmyq

    timmyq Well-Known Member

    In addition, I first saw this a month ago on my credit report with a balance of 74 dollars and disputed it and now it was updated with a balance of 250 dollars. Can a CA just tack on fees like this?
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Some states allow collecting triple on bounced checks, but check your own state's law since it may require that it go to court and the court award it. CAs have been known to bill for 3X anyway. In addition, they may have added bank charges, or other fees, which in some states are only allowed if the store posted a clear notice of returned check charges.

    Check the law for your state.

    You would certainly want a copy of the check they claimed was returned before paying anything to be sure you even owe it. They could be trying to collect someone else's bounced check from you.. In addition, unless they return the original check after payment, how could you prevent another CA who might try to collect on it from coming after you?
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Have they provided the Bank name, date, and check number to check against your own records?
  5. DaveyBoy

    DaveyBoy Well-Known Member

    If I may add a scenerio to this...

    I had a checkbook stolen about 6 years ago..someone had a great Christmas as a result.

    I still have a couple of these on my reports...all w/ the same CA. Disputed a few off directly from CRA's.

    The bank who I had this account with has subsequently been dissolved into 3 bigger banks.

    What would be the best course of action in this case? I can't imagine they still have any originals, but if so, they're not signed by me.



    DB :)
  6. DaveyBoy

    DaveyBoy Well-Known Member

    bump...anyone? :)
  7. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did you notify your bank at the time, close that account, and open a new account? Did you file a police report?
  8. DaveyBoy

    DaveyBoy Well-Known Member

    It was an account that I rarely used. Had maybe $50 in it.

    No, didn't file a police report. I didn't realize anything was wrong until approx 6 mos after I'd already moved from the city. That's when the notices started to come in.

    I tried to contact the bank, but it was so messed up being split into 3 diff banks, nobody had a friggin clue.

    It's now 6 years later, and although it's not "killing" me, they are truly not mine and should be dealt with.

    I'm guessing I should just send a validation ltr to the should be a slam-dunk..

    DB :)

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