Validation issues - wrong address

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by nomocash, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. nomocash

    nomocash Active Member

    Good news. Three years later and I finally started. Sent a dozen validation letters. Four bounced as wrong addresses. (Found out by USPS tracking, cards aren't back yet.).
    1.What to do?
    a. Contact CRA and ask how they validated. i.e., assume they don't validate casue they have the wrong official address on credit report?
    b. Call these people and get correct addresses then spend the $18 to resend letters.
    2. Is there any legal implication of them not keeping an accurate address on my CRA for disputes?

    11/03 Fako 540
    11/04 Fako 598 with a few phone calls
  2. nomocash

    nomocash Active Member

    Anybody still on this board???

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