Validation letter to rent a car co?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fds, Jul 26, 2005.

  1. fds

    fds Well-Known Member

    Had an accident with a rental. Rental company (RC) immediately charged 500 to credit card without explaining the reason or giving details. I disputed successfully with credit card issuer and it was charged back to them. RC than started collecting $500.

    Faxed and emailed a coupla times asking what the 500 is for including the typical validation request (without certified mail); no response.

    RC 'collection dept' now sending collection letter.
    Should I send validation letter certifed mail just like for a 'real' collection agency.

    Does it make sense to call them at all?

    It's a little weird that they are not explaining the $500.

    The insurance co has paid the claim (months after the accident and the $500 charge) except for administration fee, tax and loss of use. These 3 also amount to just over 500. I wonder if RC assumed these expenses would not be paid by insurer and tried to charge them.

    RC also fixed preexisting hubcap damage.


    In a short phone conversation someone said that it's for my insurance deductible. I said that I don't have an insurance deductible (it was all paid by the credit card insurance in this case). The guy said something I could not hear and disconnected. I think it's the end of the day, so I'll try them tomorrow.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Do they still have the $500, or did you dispute thru your credit card company? If so, why are they trying to collect?
  3. fds

    fds Well-Known Member

    It was disputed and charged back as they provided no documentation about nature of $500. They don't have the $500. They started writing collection letters after it was charged back to them.

    They are still not saying what it's for. The letters were from 2 different CSRs, and now from the manager of the collection dept.
  4. fds

    fds Well-Known Member

  5. fds

    fds Well-Known Member


    I sent a validation request. They signed on 8/8 and sent 2 letters after that. The last one threatens an outside collection agency or lawsuit.

    They are in Texas which requires a surety bond but no licensing so that avenue is closed + I don't know if they'd have to be licensed in the first place as they are only a collection dept.

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