Validation Letter without Acct #

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Evilhomer, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. Evilhomer

    Evilhomer Well-Known Member

    I want to send in a Validation letter to Providian for an account the was paid off 4 years ago. they are relentless and I cnanot get it removed I want to send them a Validation letter but the problem is that I cannot find the old account number and the one on the CR is missing the last 4 digits. What should I do...???
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Is your credit report an online report, or a mailed paper report?

    Is Providian, or a CA, reporting erroneously, or are they trying to collect on an account that was paid off?
  3. Evilhomer

    Evilhomer Well-Known Member

    My credit report was a Mailed copy .... It is a paid off debt from 4 years ago and I am trying to get it removed...
  4. phoenix

    phoenix Well-Known Member

    "In reviewing my consumer credit report, I found that you are reporting a debt in my name." etc etc

    If you include your SSN they should be able to find it.

    Unless others on the board think this is a bad idea for some reason? I would think it's ok, as they obviously already have this information if they are reporting in the first place...
  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    You could call the CRA and ask them what the other digits are. They probably have the full number, and if you were a creditor and pulled a report, you would probably get the full number.
  6. will2win

    will2win Well-Known Member

    Orignal creditors (OC) do not have to provide "validation," only a C.A. does. Validation is governed by the FDCPA. If you are going after Providian, you can challenge the "accuracy" of their reporting under the FCRA. Check your reports for reaged dates, incorrect balances, and other erroneous notations. This process is called a ""dispute." Once you have disputed with the OC, you should dispute with the CRA's within 30 days. Hopefully, they will not be able to verify your dispute request. Be specific in your dispute and ask for any signed contract or other proof. Now, the fact that this is paid makes it more difficult. So, perhaps you can dispute the "charge off" language.

    Good luck

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