Validation letter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SPACECAT, Oct 30, 2001.


    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    I wrote to some of my creditors asking for validation. I asked for some kind of proof of account ownership. This account is listed "Included in Bankruptcy." I gave the account number. Someone hand wrote on the letter BK chp7, filed 6-8-2000, case 0035*** and the Atty's name. On a sticky note they wrote we need your ssn. My question is should I give it to them? What should I do?
  2. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Did you provide it in your validation letter? If so, I would write to them letting them know that you provided it in the original letter, of which you have a copy of, and you are keeping a detailed paper trail of the timeline and are aware of your rights via the "laws to protect consumers" .

    If not, send a return receipt letter indicating your ss#. That, along w/address and DOB, I think is enough information for them to figure out if you are in their system. Those identifiers are on the validation letter templates that are listed here. Again, keep track of the dates, and use return receipts.

    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

  4. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    Sorry Keltex I have to Disagree...!!! I WOULD NOT send my SS....!!!

    That is only helping them out...!!! If they have it against your CR let them figure it out... THAT's The part of Validation..!!! You stand a Higher chance of getting it deleted ...!!! If they don't have the information to prove it is his then they must delete it..!!

    I would send a follow up letter telling them the request has been denied. Let them know they have placed against you CR w/out a SS then they can take it off as well..!!

    Asking for Validation is asking them to provide proof that the debt belongs to you... if you give your SS they are going to turn around and use it against you. The will probably send a letter using you SS with the what they have already sent to you. Then fax it to the CRA's as well to make sure it stays there...!!!

    Bad Move..!!

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