validation letter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by gatorlove, Nov 27, 2004.

  1. gatorlove

    gatorlove Member

    i had sent a letter for validation to NCO on 7/26/2004 and received back a letter from them dated 8/16/2004 that they will contact creditor for validation. i received a letter today dated 11/19/2004 with validation. This is past the 30 days that i gave them. What do i do now?
  2. chi_guy

    chi_guy Member

    There is no SoL on validating. You cannot defend on not being provided timely validation.

    Your only option now is to attack the validation itself.
    There are some standards that Validation must minimally meet. Did NCO provide everything you requested in your Validation letter? Did they obtain Validation from the OC? There are other possible shortcomings as well. You can find these out by searching this Board.
  3. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Did they continue any collection activity, (listed TL on CR's, called you, sent letters), between 8/16 and 11/19? This is the time that they were barred from collecting since they did not provide validation.

    After 11/19 they can resume collection activities unless you dispute what they provided for validation

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