I am getting ready to start my validation letters to the CA's on my report, but I have a question before I mail them. Where is it stated that outside of the first 30 days a consumer receives the original notice from a CA, that they can then again request validation. All of the case law I have read states that within the first 30 days of the first notice a consumer can request validation, but I can't find anywhere where it states that a consumer can request validation a year or two after the CA has first contacted them. Peace, drm
You can request validation at anytime, the FDCPA covers you under the first 30 days. So if you request within 30 days the CA can't: try to collect from you, put it on your credit report, however after 30 days, they can still report it to the CRA's, I'm not sure if they still can collect or not, doubt it. Then that brings us to "What if they never sent a collection notice and just put it on the CR and we found out by mistake", I would think in this case more than likely if it went to court the judge/jury would be in favor of poor little consumer over big bad CA.
sorry for the duplcate question. I have read a large percentage of the post but just missed it. Thanks