Validation of Debt

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BR, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. BR

    BR Active Member

    I think I may have screwed up. I requested VOD from CA#1 and received statements, but not the one showing where I paid the account in full. So I sent off another letter requesting the missing statements. No response. A couple of years later, I receive notice from CA#2, and we're now in court.

    After receiving notice from CA#2, was I suppose to start all over and request VOD again?

    Just curious.

  2. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    It depends on where you are in the court process. If they have already filed suit against you then you won't do any good trying to use a validation letter. You will have to answer the complaint and once you do that you can demand that the plaintiff prove his case via demand for production of documents. There are also other ways to demand documents but you have to use demand for production of documents before you can subpoena them.

    Of course, the plaintiff's attorney will object to being forced to produce through the subpoena process if he wouldn't produce them in discovery.

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