I think what happened, was that someone signed for my DV on 7/9/2004 Then I filed a dispute with CRA's as not mine. They cited the CRA info on the letter and admit that they'll continue collecting. Apparently they didn't feel my DV warranted attention. I hope that within the next 10 days I get an updated CR that shows, VERIFIED. Thats two and I'm reading whether to pursue in Small Claims or Federal Court. $150.00 is a heavy filing fee for federal court, but it may get me the injunction and $2,000.00 for ignoring federal law. Am I correct in my thinking???
Today, I receive green card back, BUT no signature no date. I check the USPS website and it shows that it was delivered. Will it still stand up, or do I need to resend again, and send via FAX??? Your input please. Jam, Butch, LB and anybody else.
No, the green card doesn't show it was delivered. But I checked the USPS website and it shows the city and time that it was delivered. I'm wondering if I just resend and tell the post office to do their job, and refuse to pay for it? Will the print out from the website be sufficient for counting the days per se? Should I fax a confirmation to them, and note that they "refused" to sign for it???