Validation on Student Loan.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sal826, Oct 16, 2004.

  1. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone.

    I have an interesting situation pertaining to a student loan which DOE is trying to collect from me.

    Let me start off by saying I do not believe this loan is mine because I am paying on my old ones from a long time ago which I rehabed.

    Anyway over a year ago 4 defaulted loans popped up un my reports and later a collection notice from USA funds. I disputed them directly with CRA. A few weeks later all the negative marks mysteriously disappeared and then out of the blue I received a letter from the DOE stating they will NOT request the IRS to setback my returns because they cannot locate any paperwork pertaining to these loans. I was of course happy and assumed this was all over.

    Then about 4 months ago I received a letter directly from the DOE stating I owe them $7000 and to pay them immediately. I then went right ahead and sent them a validation request, but never received anything from them pertaining to my request, Then a few weeks later all this defaulted loan stuff pops back up onto my report and I also received yet another letter from them demanding payment. So I sent yet another validation request and then I received another letter from them saying it was sent to Financial Asset Management. So that point I sent FAM a validation demand (requesting loan documents bearing my signature). Almost 3 weeks later I received a letter from them basically saying "here are all the documents you requested" but in fact all they sent me was a couple of printouts with the amounts they say I owed (which now all of a sudden became $11,000.

    What do I do now folks? - all I am asking for is the PROOF these are in fact my loans. I would amount to a complete fool if I started sending money out on something withough knowing if it's indeed my debt.

    Also please note I sent out all these different validation requests to the correct contacts (as stated in the demand letters) and everything was CRRR.

    I would really appreciate if you guy's have any advice for me here - I feel like I am being made out to be a fool.

  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    THe DOE has an OMBUDSMAN'S office to help sort through the red tape. Find out what their phone number is and call and explain your situation.

    They were created to help people in your situation.
    Good luck!

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