Well I got back one validation letter and they actually filled out page 2 and enclosed a copy of the check (account closed) that they are collecting for. So...do I just let sleeping dogs lie? They don't call me and NEVER send anything to me. I don't want to push the issue because they have their "ducks in a row". This is one I know I won't get deleted for a long time, if ever. It's from 1998. Any advice?
Did they send it CRRR to you? If they didn't, you never got it. I believe sending the estoppel letter would be the next step here. Even if they re-send you the info. they've sent the first time through regular mail, ignore it and send proof (copies of green cards, validation letters, etc) to the CRA's. Hopefully it'll fall into the hands of a "nice" CRA rep. and they'll just delete without re-investigating (holding the CA to a higher standard this time though)
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with this one...I think. Part of me says that you should deal with this CA upfront and honest, because they are at least following the law and respecting your right to get the validation. On the other hand, it's a losing proposition if you do pay, because you'll still have the black mark on your credit. I'm wondering if you're dealing with a rare and fair CA? Perhpas you could negotiate...pay the debt for removal, get it in writing. If they're honoring your validation, then perhaps they'd honor a deletion for payment as well. I don't know, it's just a thought. Most CA's are so dishonest and lack the paperwork to back up their allegations, etc. This CA sounds like they are willing to play by the book and be fair. Maybe I'm just too optimistic? Calmest_LA
Oooooh that is good! I'm printing out this thread just in case I have the same result with my C.A. Very good mindcrime GT
WOW!! I'm torn here, I would like to ignore and send the info the CRA after sending the estoppel letter, but they will just verify again because they do have a copy of the check. It's past the SOL so that part is not a concern. I would really like to call and say "hey thanks for sending the info, I moved (which I did since then) and never got the info on this check etc. I would love to pay this in full 100% for deletion". Then I have acknowledged (they may be recording the call) the debt. So...I still don't know what to do.........lol.
If you want to pay it, but don't want to confirm it's yours say, "I can't remember ever owing company A, and I'm not sayig I do or don't but, I am trying to buy a house and this keeps oming up as an issue. SO I will pay if you delete it completely." Get it in writing, it worked for me. KHM
You probably shouldn't say you're looking to purchase a home, or obtain credit, because a vindictive CA could use this as leverage against you to pay them more than say settling on 25%.
Mind- I thought that too, but it's not. The SOL can only save you from a judgement. It can report for up to 7 years, I think 5 in NY? KHM
I think they validated. I would play by the rules - I did, as a matter of fact. What's this all really about, anyway?
Here is one problem with their alleged validation. They should have sent you the original check.I never accept a copy as proof.Why don't I accept a copy you ask? The answer is simple a copy can be altered to easily.I know B/C I had it happen to me on 5 checks. Another reason I don't accept copies is because as long as the original check is out of my possession it can be passed around from party to party.and can come back to bite me over and over again.Another point just cause they have a copy of the check it doesn't mean it hasn't been paid or that you owe for it. Is the copy you received a copy of the original check or is it a copy of a copy that has been altered?The only way to tell is by seeing the original check.
When was this debt paid?? You are stating you will only accept the original check as "proof", well when they cashed the check the original check went back to her bank and then should have gone back to her.
The phone co. sent me copies of altered photo copies of 5 checks. Would you call that validation or proof?
I'm not sure since I am not Christi, but it seems like this might be a notation for a bad check and they sent her a copy of the unpaid check they are trying to get her to pay?? As opposed to say an unpaid bill, like a medical collection or credit card.
There was never any debt owed to be paid. -------------------------------------------------- Not 1 of the 5 original checks was never produced by the phone co.their bank or my bank.