validation process?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by milkmom, Jan 1, 2002.

  1. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Hello, I'm new here. I am in heaven with this forum!!!! Where can I find the information provided by lizardking regarding his validation process? I can't wait to get started on my husband's credit. I haven't been active in the credit world for a while so I want to get things squared away for him first. We had contracted with a credit repair place a year ago but I haven't seen much change. They said that it would take over a year for changes to happen.... He has alot of old collections from college from '93 to '95. If anyone could suggest any better way to start this process, I would appreciate it.

    TU=612 EQ=579 EX=624
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    For starters, if any of those collections from '93 - '94 are showing on his report, you should dispute those immediately with the cra's as they should have already fallen off due to the 7 year rule.
    As far as specific help for other problems, you need to give us a littel more detail of the problems.
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the board!! Lizard's stuff is all over the place. Best to go on and learn the "search" function now ;)

    Just type his username into the upper right hand box, and hit search or go or whatever it is.
  4. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    There is alot here so please forgive me. lol

    The place we contracted with is CCS Financial, 1192 E. Draper PKWY, PMB 142, Draper, UT 84020 , 801-562-4357.

    TU= 527
    It seems that they have made 2 files, one has a different spelling of my husband's name that has most of the bad things listed there. Under the real name, there are 3 collections and 6 paid as agreeds. CA for $58 placed 4/00 updated 6/00 (I don't think this is a valid debt, we don't recognize it), CA for sprint PCS placed 6/99 updated 2/01, and Sears paid as agreed but 3/90s, 3/60s, and 3/30s. This report is from 7/01.

    Now here is where it gets ugly. It says on here what date these will come off. Many CA accounts and many with the same CA...
    $887 off 6/04,
    $957 civil judgement from real estate co. (from bad roommate situation) filed 6/99 but no off date given,
    $207 off 2/03,
    $123 off 12/03,
    $284 off 6/04,
    $58 off 2/07,
    paid off car loan account that says one 30 day late and we have been disputing this for years but they won't change it. We were never late on this account. off 12/03
    $621, off 12/02
    Household Automovtive saying that they can't locate individual 6/01/01 to 7/01/01. What is this?!?!? This account has been paid off and we were never late.
    MBNA, $0, set to go positive in 6/04, we closed account in 7/97 but reported last in 7/99
    Sears, goes positive in 6/08
    2 student loans that were transferred and shows past 90, once again we were never late on these loans
    Universal Finance, $5700, they didn't provide services for Invention Submission Corp. and we stopped paying because we felt we were be defrauded(and we were) but we didn't (and don't) know how to handle this except to stop paying.


    $857 collection from real estate co., last activity 7/96
    $887 last activity 6/97
    $284 LA 6/97
    $230 LA 11/98
    $196 LA 2/96
    $621 LA 12/95
    Household Automotive $0, says unknown payment history and late 0 times 30/60/90

    So that is it. The whole ugly tale. If it took some people less than a year to get into the 700 club, then the past 13 months with the above company have been a waste of time and money.
  5. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member


    I couldn't find those '93 and '94 stuff so maybe that company did something after all. As you can see, bad times in college and bad roommate situations led to some bad debts. Roommates running off and not paying while sticking the bills to my husband. Of well, you live and you learn!!!! :)
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Chances are the old stuff fell off on its' own due to the 7 year rule. Your situation is not as bad as mine was when I started out. The first thing I would do, is fire that company, if you haven't already.
    Then assuming you have all your reports, start sending out disputes to the cra's. Dispute about 3 accounts at a time for each bureau. I would start with the oldest first since they will be easier to have deleted. The ones that come back verified, you can send the validation letter to. That should get you started. Make sure you send your disputes certified mail, return receipt requested.
    Good luck.
  7. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks alot. I know it's a hard road ahead but I am ready for the challenge.
  8. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    It can also be alot of fun once you start seeing the positive results coming in. Many people on this board have repaired their own credit, so there's no reason you can't also. Any other questions just ask.
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    The letters section ai a good place to visit also
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    if there is no payment history how can you tell if it was late or not?
  11. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    You should probably get the most recent copies of your husbands credit report. It will be better to work from a more recent copy and to compare the reports.

    Check threads here for getting free copies of credit report, including creditexpert for experian. you reports sound a lot better than mine but you also have to remember to start building positive tradelines with new cc's or loans.

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