i disputed with the cra's a old cable company that was showing the has long been gone and sent on 01/18/01 a validation letter to the ca it came back verified on all 3 and the name of the current cable co that we have in the area not the one that was originally on there... also they ca has not responded to my validation any help would be greatful
By any chance would this be Credit Management Inc. ? Reason I asked is because I'm tangling with them right now. They're real cute - they signed the certified card but didn't put a date on it. My 30 days has just passed so I'm going to send the estoppel letter (Make sure you send everything CRR and keep records of everything). If the CA doesn't respond, then dispute with the bureaus and send them all the paperwork telling them that by law the CA couldn't validate the collection therefore it should be removed. Hope this helps... GT
i think it was credit protection or credit management i will have to check my file i am going to send the estoppel next week but i sure would like to sue these sob's i know they dont have any thing with my sig
Credit Management was with TCI (At least here in the Dallas area). If you have the paper trail working for you, then going to court may not be a bad idea. If I may ask, is this collection paid off or is it still open...
it is a open account however it is not mine i have never had any utilitys in my name so i really do not know know were it is coming from it was us cable of lake county who was sold to tci who then was sold to at and t broadband it is now showing that i owe at and t 156.00
If it's credit protection, would you please give me the address that you have for them? I tried to send them a validation letter but the post office couldn't verify their address. They have never contacted me but they sure listed the entry on my husband's credit report. Thanks again.
it is credit protections here is the address i sent my validation, and i got the green card back 1355 noel road suite 2100 dallas texas 75240 i hope it helps you
I have an unpaid cable bill with the local cable co. and Credit Management Inc was reporting it only on EXP, then one day it was gone! I'm not complaining!
Thanks. I had the right address but the wrong zip. I am going to send this first thing monday morning. By the way, is that Lake County in Illinois? If so, we are neighbors.
and i am in waukegan wow!!! well i hope you have luck with credit protection i am sending my estoppel on tuesday if they dont respond i will be suing them