I received back a validation I had sent out. They filled out the second page vaguely but didn't provide any documentation. It's Pg. 2 of Lizardking's letter. I don't believe it has clarified any debt despite them answering the questions. The letter asks the creditor to "attach all assignment or other transfer agreements that would establish your rights to collect this debt". Is this an acceptable response? They provided the information but under "list products or services sold" they wrote the balance of what I owe them and the date. Very general. I intend to write them a response letter stating that the response lends nothing to substantiate the debt as mine. They have 30-days to provide documentation or I will litigate. Is this the right approach? Should I simply ignore as it was not sent CRRR? Any advice would be appreciated.
I THINK, and I stress think, that if you were requesting VALIDATION, like a contract with a signature from you on it and they didn't, I would ignore their response. I had a CA send back the second page BLANK, with a bunch of printouts, nothing with my sig on it. I sent them an estoppel giving them 30 days to respond with a signed contract. So if there is no contract then either send a second validation request or an estoppel your choice! KHM