Valuable info on BAD CA's

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Suzie46, Sep 11, 2006.

  1. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    I came across some information along the way just recently, and I've never seen it talked about here, but I think everyone would find it useful. The trouble is I'm not sure if I can post a URL for it, by the terms of this forum. But maybe I can get ya there...
    Do a search for Cach, LLC. You'll get a buch of links to look through. Rip Off Rep*rt$ is a good one to try.
    Also there is a .....wall of shame....hmmmm, the word guru comes to mind.

    You should info and lists of very bad CA's and their nasty tactics to beware of. If you should get a notice from one of these, or a call, they can scare you into a heart attack - they did it already to someone. Maybe this can help you deal with them if it happens to you.

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