ok I allegedly have a debt that was sold to asset acceptance, and in response to my vod letter they sent a photocopy of something with the balance and account number on it- could be a copy of a bill, and nothing signed- not sure if this qualifies as "proof" or not.. So now that they have responded to this, I'm not sure what my next course of action is.. do I send a settlement letter, or VOD #2 under the premise that this does not qualify as adequate proof? Could use some guidance...
no response? I've searched the boards- all I see is how these letters benefit you when the ca doesn't verify and racks up violations. I'm assuming that in the case where they verify you should just settle for deletion? I'm just now getting my feet wet here and could use some reassurance that I'm following the chosen path.. help
Is their validation adequate to determine that it is in fact your account, and the amount claimed owed is correct, including any fees?
Going by strict validation- no.. Something with my name and the account number on it- no signature, no identification, no payment history just something a bad photocopy of a bill with my name on it. Based on what I've read on these boards about asset acceptance I tend to want to settle with them because of thier litigation happy policy. The fact they VOD'ed me within a week says to me they are going to be hard to nail on violations. Of course I still won't settle on less than a deletion, but either way...