How can a creditor send negative information to a credit reporting agency and it gets filed on my report? In other words, how can either of them veify/validate that the account belongs to me and how can I get this removed?
They send the data electronically. The DF sends the data, and the CRA matches it up based on the combinatipn of name, address, ssn, and dob. Disputing incomplete, inaccurate, or unverifiable information.
So how do they know what account is what and what type of letter do I send them to dispute? i'm really confused about all of this.
The CRA gets the account number, but they don't disclose it. Imagine if your neighbor opened your mail, got your credit report, and now had your credit card numbers. In your dispute, provide your name and address, and that you found them listed on your credit report.
So, to send my letter to the CA, should it read like this along with my name and address only? "This letter is to inform you that I've recently pulled my credit report and noticed that there's a collection from your agency listed on my credit report as an installment account in the past due amount of $xx,xxx. I was never been notified of this collection or that I owed any debt to you. This letter is also to inform you that I would like for you to VALIDATE this debt and your ability to collect this money from me on this account. Be advised that I am not requesting a "verification" that you have my mailing address, I am requesting a "validation;" that is, competent evidence that I have some contractual obligation to pay you......."