VERY NASTY letter from CA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, Mar 4, 2002.

  1. CredtQuest

    CredtQuest Well-Known Member

    How about dusting it for fingerprints? :)
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    NO EXCUSE FOR them sending such a thing
  3. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried telling them you want to fax in your resume for a position with their company? Has worked for me in the past!
  4. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    Allied Interstate Inc.
    Julie Huntley
    800 Interchange West 435 Ford Road
    Minneapolis, MN 55426
    (952) 595-2056
    (952) 595-2341 Fax

    I found this from an article dated 8/01, not sure how current.
  5. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    please disregard the numbers behind the email address. I copied and pasted and forgot to mistake. Sorry
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    If you look right underneath each post, you will see an "edit" buttom. You have 15 minutes after you post a message to click on that and edit your post. Comes in handy for stuff like that ;)
  7. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    I assume that your address on the envelope was typed or machine-printed. If it was handwritten in the same writing as the letter, you could connect the envelope to the letter, though.

  8. Shelley

    Shelley New Member

    NATIONAL FINANCIAL SYSTEMS SUCK, they called me plenty of names. I filed online complaint about them with FTC. Wow, I thought I was the ONLY ONE. Hey, let's sue 'em. -Texas gal

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