VIctim of Mandatory Arbitration!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Beth, May 5, 2005.

  1. Beth

    Beth Member

    I would like to get any advice regarding this situation.

    My dear friends were served by MBNA with mandatory arbitration letter. They had been working with a company that was supposedly helping them repair their credit and this company said to ignore it. They did and consequently MBNA said "you have lost and owe us 100% of this money."

    They continued to ignore the situation since they believed that this would not hold up and then they were served with a lawsuit to confirm arbitration. I wanted to help them and an attorney friend of mine offered his services. They went to court and lost on the technicality that they had not properly filed when served.

    Now they are facing having to pay $13,000.00 for this judgement.


    Is there any hope of appealing?
    Do you think they might be able to negotiate a settlement for less than 100%?
    Do you know of any attorneys in Los Angeles that understand these types of cases?
    Do you have any thoughts about how they might proceed?

    I feel really bad about their situation. They have 4 children and this could be potetially devastating.

    Any help will be really appreciated.

    Thank you,

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