Victories #3 and 4!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Squeek, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. Squeek

    Squeek Well-Known Member

    EX dropped my one disputed CA.
    TU dropped my one disputed CA.

    EQ was taking a while to respond. I wasn't exactly sure what was going on, and I knew it had been over 30 days since they received my dispute. I checked it for free with Credit Watch Gold, and the two CA TLs that were listed were deleted. What's strange is that I never received a notification of any sort via mail, email or otherwise. I emailed my local EQ affiliate today in an attempt to get an updated report sent to me and to an AR inquiry from January that denied me a CL increase. Hopefully an updated report will be a good enough reason to raise my CL.

    I'm guessing I'm at least a 700 now. I have yet to check myFICO because I don't have an extra $49 laying around. You can bet I will check the first chance I get though.

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