Has anyone actually used there services? If so, what kind of results are you getting? I just signed up - the fees seem resonable.
I called them with a bunch of questions. They say that they'll get results in 6 months or less. The last credit repair service that I used was a horror so I am scared to start a new one. I am considering this company though. Haven't made up my mind yet.
In life, everything we do is a risk. I recommended these people a week or 2 ago and people jumped me. I was accused of working for Vincent, Wagener & Jones, the whole 9 yards. Just yesterday someone mentioned it again. I do know that a few people have tried them and they have been satisfied. I also noticed that the fees were very inexpensive. My first advice to anyone is always to become a member of Straight talk at CreditNet and clean up your own dirty drawers. But if you feel better retaining a professional, make sure that whomever you retain is the right choice.
For that amount I can do it for you..lol.. And you don't have to worry about having positive tradelines removed..!!!! No Seriously........I have seen so many people come and go on this board who have made the mistake of going w/companies like this! They have all come back w/ negative results.. ex. they are good at removing your positive tradelines, Hawk Alerts (then your screwed), and etc. All they are going to do is dispute whats on your CR. You can do that yourself. W/ the CA's YOU need to be the one to do that. They aren't going to write to a CA w/the thoughts of getting this removed or backing them in a corner so you can sue to get it removed (validation letters and etc). They are only going to do the basics of what you can do in 15-30 mins of your time. I say do it yourself! Or let someone else you know do it for you! This way you can monitor what the Hell is going on! Just my 2 cents
MartysGirl, you are perfectly describing a certain famous credit repair firm and their many affiliated companies that I have recently expressed disdain for. VW&J is absolutely not that kind of firm and that's why I recommended them in the first place. They DO utilize the advanced techniques, they DO all of things you mentioned in your post and more. But if I say too much, the powers that be on this board might start accusing me of working there again.
I tried finding them w/the BBB... w/out any luck (national and in Vegas)! I wrote to the Vegas BBB asking them to check them out. Lets see what they say. I hate to see someone get taken advantage of!
Yeah, let's see what the BBB says. But leading consumer advocates only advise checking with the BBB as an afterthought because the BBB will only document unresolved problems. A company with a lot of soil with the BBB is normally one to stay away from. But is your only means of determining a company's worth to you as a consumer is by checking the BBB, you'll get burned a lot. Personally, I don't believe in "blind" testimonials either becuase those can easily be faked. Some detailed personal checking, feel them out for yourself, is usually best. If you search the internet on a company name and find a lot of stuff like you would on Cross Country Bank, you know to proceed with caution.
MartysGirl, I'm sure you're a wonderful person and I don't have anything against you, but your entire post shows that you have no clue as to how the BBB operates. For one, they don't "check companies out". They only log complaints and resolutions. I hate to see someone taken advantage of too, but there are much better ways to check on a $35/month investment that you could cancel at any time if you were dissatisfied. I've got to catch a flight, I'll be back on the board at some time later tonight
I guess my situation can serve as a good test case. I sent Vincent, Wagner and Jones a copy of my truecredit combined report and FICO score. I currently have the following: 3 collection accounts with TU and EQ 1 collection with Ex 6 charge off's a few positive trade lines My FICO score is 531 I will continue to post my results with Vincent, Wagner and Jones.
Sorry.. I see I got your PANTIES in a WAD... That's why you posted twice w/out a response. Further more.. I sent what I needed to the BBB to make sure they will do an investigation! I classify my letter is NONYA... b/c that for me to know and you to just sit and think about.. All you need to know is I asked them to "check them out" No wonder you get blasted.. your are aggravating, rude, and you starts problems that aren't needed! . Since you do NOT contribute anything to this board and have nothing that I care to hear.. I will ignore ALL of your post. Good Day...
nocredit, When superadman first mentioned VWJ, I took a look at their site. I commented that I thought they did more than disputes. Following that comment, a big fuss occured. However, I still called VWJ to check them out. I spoke with Mike (I think that was his name) and he talked with me a very long time (maybe 20 minutes). He was very convincing and promised that they would do their best to help me. He had already heard about the fuss on the board and wanted to assure me that his company does not employ superadman. He said his company was new and so far they only had (or had) about 150 customers (this will work to your advantage). However, he said that he feels most of them were very satisfied. Because the price is not terribly expensive, I say give them a chance. I simply decided to do my own repair because several of my accounts had extremely unique situations. After these accounts are taken care of maybe I'll give VWJ a try. (I said maybe!)
When I called and talked to them, I felt comfortable with them also. I think I may give them a try myself. I like the fact that they offer a refund if I'm unsatisfied. Thinking about signing up on monday.
You all failed to mention there is a $99 retainer that you have to pay to set-up services with them. THEN, you pay the $35/mo. Yes, please post and let us know the results of their services.
Dear Members, Judging by their web site which seems to consist largely of "borrowed" content from Junum and Lexington, there are a few observations we feel obligated to share in the common interest of our visitors. First, Vincent, Wagner and Jones appears to be a new addition to the credit arena. As such we were unable to find any historical facts about the company, nor could we find references or testimonials about their services besides those published on their site. Given that the credit industry is popular among predatory companies many of whom operate under various business names, we recommend approaching every new entrant with a healthy dose of skepticism. Second, the fact that this company uses PayPal and CheckSecure for secure payment processing should not be underestimated. Anyone can subscribe to these services with little or no verification. Compare that to Junum's use of VeriSign or Lexington's Thawte site certificates, both of which require applicants to undergo a more thorough verification process in order to establish their authenticity prior to being issued a certificate. Third, the lack of original content combined with a poorly designed web site suggests that the site was thrown together in haste rather than developed thoughtfully. While there is nothing wrong with that, it does little to boost their credibility in our view. Pending further feedback about this company from Straight Talk members, preferably ones that have been onboard with us for some time, our advice is to proceed with caution. Sincerely, pbm
Do any of these firms actually dispute directly with the creditor? Or is it just the the cra's? I recently tried a version of LizardKing's validation letter to cra's, but I sent it directly to one of my creditors for a 2 year old unpaid charge off of around $1500. I just wanted to see what happened. To my suprise I got a letter from them (a pretty well known credit card company) and they apologized and said they were sending all 3 cra's a letter that my listing should be completely deleted, within 45 days!! They said they had no proof, bearing my signature, that I ever had an account with them!! LizardKing Rocks!! Kelly