
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by teresa, Apr 11, 2003.

  1. teresa

    teresa Well-Known Member

    Can you believe, we were approved for a house MTG for up to 120,000 5.75!!!! Can you guys believe since 1999 I have been doing creditinet here and there and got serious 6 months ago and wow went from 8 to 0 negative tradelines and kept out 2 positive TL and wow it has all worked out. Thanks everyone for all your advice JLYNN can you believe it! Talk to you soon!
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    congrats! seems like a great interest rate too! what are your terms?
  3. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    well done! congratulations :)
  4. leencaci

    leencaci Well-Known Member

    Awesome!!! Congrats to you!
  5. teresa

    teresa Well-Known Member

    5.75% 30 yr fixed middle score 645, still hasn't sunk in yet.
  6. gc

    gc Well-Known Member

    Congratulatioins! How much did you put down?
    Again, I'm happy for you! Now, go get that house! =)
  7. ginger2

    ginger2 Well-Known Member

    Fantastic!!! I hope to be wahoooing too soon! There is hope!!!!
  8. teresa

    teresa Well-Known Member

    Nothing down, with help of a VA loan, so we are pretty fortunate....Our high score 6 months ago was 580 and now high score is 693 TU, I have just worked so hard....if I can do it by myself with creditnet anyone can....you guys just stay strong and I will keep you posted we are still talking to a realtor about a home. Talk to you all soon...and keep you all posted....
  9. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member


    Doing a happy dance for you too!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome the Texas!

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