Walmart Discover Card - Approved!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pianistas, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. pianistas

    pianistas Member

    I know some people don't like discover at all, but since this is a step in the right direction, I thought I'd share.

    <<<The first Discover card issued by an outside firm was officially launched this week with the release of the "Wal-Mart Discover" card. The new card features three cents a gallon off gasoline at more than 700 Wal-Mart stores, and up to 1% cash back on purchases. The no annual fee card also features a variable interest rate as low as 9.87%. The card is issued by GE Consumer Finance under a private label card contract that runs through 2009. Separate from its partnership with GECF, Wal-Mart has rolled out basic money services at low-ball prices. These basic services include paycheck cashing for $3, money orders for 46 cents, and money transfers to Mexico for under $10. In addition, independent financial institutions are providing retail banking services to Wal-Mart customers in branches in nearly 1,000 stores. For more information visit >>>

    I applied online for the Walmart Discover Card. I did not get instant approval. I got a message saying I need to call the Credit Dept. to complete the application. Actually, I had to call numerous times (I was told that their system was down). In any case, I got to speak with someone and verify my credit info (I had a fraud alert on my credit). They pulled Experian and Transunion for me. I'm in NJ. Now this is the interesting part. I have BK 7 showing on my TU report. On my EX, I only have 2 accounts with BK status. EX has no public records. My TU FICO with BK is 707 while the EX FACO should was the high 600's. I was approved for a $3500 Discover Card. I know that with any hint of BK on file, regular Discover Card is an automatic decline (I included them in BK anyway).
    Was I just really lucky?
  2. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    You might have got lucky. It's hard to tell because the cc business is getting more competitive. I suggest you use the card right away even if it's for $10 to create some acivity.
  3. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    I agree with the previous poster. Try to use the card as soon as u get it on the mail

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