Will keep this as vague as possible. Need help how to respond correctly without giving "them" any information they do not have. I do understand this board is watched. Rec'd letter from CA, sent letter of verification. CA responded with letter attempting to verify, but a good portion of the information is incorrect. Wrong dates, wrong name at time of dates, and many other things as well. I want to send them a letter stating that because of all this incorrect information, I want them to go away completely. I also want to make sure that the way I respond does not give them the correct information. What is my best plan of attack on this?? They have also sent a form of dispute.
I would just state the information they provided is not sufficient proof per the FDCPA (i've always claimed this, don't know if it is exactly accurate - but CA's have never checked) and to discontinue any/all collection efforts including reporting to the CRA's or you will take legal action. Not sure what information you don't want to provide but try to follow the "KISS" method - Keep It Short & Simple.
Jenz123, thank you for your response. That is exactly what I am going to do. As always, I get great help here.